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Past Events

ECIC Early Childhood Innovation Center


Restorative Practice: The Adultification of Black & Brown Children

5/24/2021 7:00pm

Speak, Stand, & Get Onboard: WCEEP Legislative and Policy Priorities

4/26/2021 7:00pm

Diversifying the Educators Workforce Racial and Linguistic Equity

3/22/2021 7:00pm

Real Talk on Recruiting, Sustaining, and Retaining Male Educators of Color

Why It Matters, and How to Do It Right

Dr. Shelley Rouser, Education Department Chair at Delaware State University will curate our Monthly Monday Conversation with a powerful group of black and brown male educators sharing diverse perspectives on strategies to create school cultures that attract and retain men in the classroom in a barbershop-style dialogue.

Radical Thought & Community Mobilization to Reclaim Our Schools

2/22/2021 7:00pm

Journey Towards Education Justice | Who’s in the Room?

1/27/2021 7:00pm